Here you’ll find answers to our most frequently asked questions.

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  • No. Since concrete is engineered stone, it has porosity in its structure. Many people believe that they can treat a hard surface like concrete however they want and it will not have any effect. Not so. Oils and acidic products (vinegar, lemon juice, sauce, food colouring, etc.) spilled on polished concrete surfaces, if not wiped up immediately, will almost always permeate the concrete substrate and produce a permanent stain. If heavy items are dragged across a polished concrete floor they can produce gouges and scratches that need to be mechanically removed. As a general rule, if the owner maintains a polished concrete floor in the same manner as they would carpet, they will get a long life out of their polished concrete floor.

  • Cracking of concrete is almost always inevitable over a long period of time. The degree and severity of cracking it due to the concrete installed and the concrete installers skill at the time of installation. Movement in the soil under concrete structures over time can cause cracking. Most cracking over time is usually very minimal but does occur. This has nothing to do with the processes under taken by the polishing of the concrete. Cracking can be repaired and repolished should it occur although the crack may not necessarily be hidden.

  • 5-10 years can be expected from the life of polished concrete, providing it is looked after and maintained well.

  • It can be depending on the design of the setting it is in. If the setting is appropriately designed, the concrete floor can be very temperate. If the setting is poorly designed, the concrete floor can be quite cold. In-floor heating installed before the installation of the concrete floor is an excellent option for keeping the polished concrete floor at an optimal level of comfort.

  • Extremely. Being a seamless surface, it can be microfiber mopped, swept, water mopped with minimal effort.

  • No. Caustic cleaning agents will destroy your polished concrete floor. Bleach, vinegar, methylated spirits, and the like, will erode and damage the polished concrete substrate rapidly. PH neutral cleaning agents and concrete sealer conditioners are recommended for the cleaning of polished concrete to ensure the maximum longevity from the floor.

  • It can be when wet, but no more or less than most tiling surfaces.

  • The processes that ConcVert uses to polish concrete are UV stable, yes.

  • Absolutely. Being a seamless surface, it has no place to store allergens like that of carpet.

  • If the floor is re-sealed every 1-2 years, it will look amazing all the time. But if due care is taken with the floor over time, it will last well. Like any flooring surface, wear and dulling does occur depending on how much foot traffic it endures, but using recommended polished concrete conditioners will help the floor look great for a long period of time without re-sealing regularly.

  • It can be depending on the level of polish selected. High-end polished concrete floors are extremely reflective. Lower-end polished concrete floors have some level of reflection but the reflective properties are significantly reduced.

  • Colours of the floor need to be decided with the concrete contractor installing the concrete before it is installed. Once installed, the concrete polisher cannot change the colour of the substrate, they can only polish it.

  • No. If you as a client desire a minimally exposed floor (minimal to no aggregate exposure), the concrete needs to be prepared appropriately by the concretor to ensure the best possible outcome for this type of finish. Concrete not prepared for this type of finish usually have larger aggregates very close to the surface that get exposed from the concrete polishing processes very easily. If aggregates are pushed down during concrete installation and the floor is laid extremely flat by the concretor, a minimally exposed polished concrete floor can be very effectively achieved.

  • Yes, but the colour of the concrete cannot be changed with existing concrete as it is what it is.

  • No. The optimal strength of concrete is recommended at 32 mega pascals (mpa) per square inch for optimal polishing and longevity of the floor. 20-25mpa concrete can be polished, but longevity cannot be predicted or guaranteed. Anything less than 25 mpa cannot be polished as it is too soft.

  • It all depends on expectations from the outset. Polished concrete can be very impressive, but it is a natural product and does have some flaws. If you are expecting a stone or marble finish, polished concrete can come close to these type of finishes, but usually are not as ‘perfect’ as a stone or marble polish.

  • As far as price, longevity and aesthetic qualities, polished concrete can compete with floorboards, carpets, vinyl and tiles providing maintenance is adhered to. Each flooring option has its strengths and weaknesses and polished concrete has its advantages and disadvantages when compared with the pros and cons of each flooring option.

ConcVert, Squinty Floor, Let it Shine!

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